Sorry for the long break. Hmmmmm!, it's been a month atcually. I just didn't realised that I've abandoned this blog for quite a while. Not only this blog, but other sites too.Ramadhan Al-Mubarak is coming again and we should be forever grateful to the Al-Mighty for giving us yet another chance to reap the benefits of Ramadhan, a very special month indeed for all Muslims through out the world.
I would like wish all Muslims, especially my Muslim blog readers, a very happy and meaningful Ramadhan Al-Mubarak. I pray that we will be rewarded plentifully by Allah for our iman and taqwa during this great month where we should concentrate less on worldly affairs and focus on self reformation, spiritual cleansing and enlightenment, establishing a closer link between Allah Almighty and ourselves through our prayers, supplication, charity, good deeds, kindness and extending our helps to others. Ameen.
wah!!!.... banyaknya sawang kat blog ni, cendawan pon ade nih!...ok i have not much story need to shere, coz i really buzy with my new job, dalam sebulan ni banyak meluangkan masa bersama teman-teman baru dan lama.
Pipi ku semakin membengkak hahahhah.....
kita tengok pipi sape paling bengkak...hehehhe (Zizi, thank sudi temankan aku kat Ikea)
Dari belakang rupanya kita sama tinggi lah Preppy.
Dari Serawak ke Johor Bahru terus ke KL, thank Preppy sudi melawat kami...
Terimakasih Lien sudi meluangkan masa dihujung minggu.(Erkk... Sebenarnya aku dah 4 taun tak penah klua date ngan pompuan, tu yang tersengih macam kambing tercekik)
selamat mengerjakan ibadah puasa adie....
Selamat bpuasa jugak yer Adie..
Aiyoo setahun sekali dia update blog..
slm ramadhan adie:)
Salam Ramadhan.......
selamat menjalani ibadah puasa!!! :)
slmt berpuasa...adie
wahhh pp semakin tembam!!
xpe2 comel..
ada harapan utk jadi mangsa cubit pp by me..
wah Preppy dtg KL ker?? xbgtau pun!
kem slm kat dia..
Salam ramadhan..moga ibadah kali ni lebih sempurna insyaALLAH..
selamat berpuasa
selamat berpuasa
hey all Adie waridi , pojie,farish,tengku fir, En.ombk,shin…
happy fasting to you too!
may the fasting month be meaningful this year!
take care!
selamat bpose jugak utk en adie.. bile lah nak lepak same lagik erk???? keje kat maner
salam ramadhan al-mubarak...
semoga bulan ini memberikan 1001 sinar dlm hidup...
selamat berpuasa bro..
wokeys.. aper2 t koling2 tau...
Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa adie..harap puasa yang sempurna..
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