Happy Birthday to me!
Happy Birthday to me!
Happy Birthday to me!
Happy Birthday to .........me......!
Today is a specialy day to me because its my birthday. Yes, now I am a 24 years old boy. As every years, my birthday celebration is to bored, i just spending the day at home alone, no cakes, no presents, just watching tv alone, thats it huhuuhu. Maybe this suited my personality because I am a shy and quiet person and doesn’t like to make things big and complicated. I just love simplicity. Well, a few of my friends also greeted me through text messaging, here I want to say thank you very much!...especially to Dr.Harriz(http://alfaf.blogspot.com), CD(http://www.cdapee.blogspot.com), En.Yasri, Afiq.
Actually the biggest gift for myself is actually visitors who visit and comment in my blog. I started up this blog back after final exam, last Friday just because I want to communicate to people and contribute my knowledge as well as learning through blogging, I felt very happy and relieved, that’s the power to make me continue writing more stuff. I’m truely appreciate that :D.
My biggest wish for my birthday this year is need succeeding in my study and life, Hope 2009 will be a great year for me. Below are some pictures I snap after the day finishing a final paper exam, im feel so happy at the moment, im look so chubby huhuhuhu!.
happy besday adie!
hey cutie,hapy b-day....al x tau b-day awak hari nie...anyway,awak x namapak chubby,but u look macho....
hadiah al utk adie is lagu love song from taylor swift...enjoy k...
hepi besday adie..ade muntot lak huhuu
wak,kita bkn model...btw,ti love i 2...im i allow to say that 2 u?
my pleasure..
enjoy ur life to the fullest!
happy besday!!
chubby nyer dia!
ym kita is amrudzie....jgn lupa add k...
Happy birthday dude..
hey dude...thanks for the add....jom ym...
Adie, sebelum ini blog invisible...tapi sekrang ini macam nak OPEn je....tengok mood gak ar..
hey u....i online lah...suka ati jer cakap kita x online...sigh...
happy birthday
hav a wonderful year ahead
huppy burthday adie...
x dapat bg kek, hehe
hepi birthday.
salam perkenalan adie.
edy hope kita leh jd kwn ek.
hepi berblogging.
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