Sorry im not updating few weeks. I’m really stressful having a two weeks exam, just sleep around 3-4 hour for exam preparation, more to stressful, i have two subject mathematic engineering paper on this semester. oh God! Im really hate mathematic subject. i will end examination on this Friday.

wah..kesiannyer...ingat time preppy belajar dulu...huhuhu..i know it must be stressful man..
btw,preppy orang kuching sarawak...adie lak...
nasib baik jim xde blaja math ala2 add math tu..klu idak,mletop kpala ni..xsuke!
Mmmm....tidurlah wahai permaisuraku...ahk. Jangn stress kay....kalau stress dengar jer lagu bagi semangat macam celine Dion..kay
all the best tau!!
ingat time² study dulu xtido mlm!
wahhhh pandai dye lukis batman
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