Saturday, November 8, 2008

Kelakar habis

ok ok...this is for CD, Mr.Ombk and all myfriend who constantly complained about me not updating this blog. once sorry. NOW I'm BACK blogging! Nothing happen in this past around 3 of months that i didnt blog here, i just busy, busy, busy, and busy with my study, projek semester, and alot of test, my god! i hate that....Well... i will finishing my final exam on next middle of mounth. So after that KITA ENJOY!!!!! and i will be back blogging as usual. ohyeah!.. in the meanwhile...enjoy this video, hahaha! nak putus urat kentut aku ketawa tengok video ni....

Kudakku Lari
Yang ni mesti tengok ok!

Nasib Janda

Ikan kekek

Kereta malam

Dengar Ini Cerita

Promo BB Next Top Model
yang ni pon kelakar gak...

Suasana Hari Raya 2008 (18 SX)


Anonymous said...

Ahak!! betul3x tu memang klakar giler..mmg sblm ni pun memang selalu amad layan video kat youtube tu...

cDeeAbdulRazak said...

wahhh sampai naik nama nie.. kekekke...

didie said...

hai.. selamat berkenalan jugak kat awk... org pontian jugak ker?

Preppy Guy said... is so funny man...where did u get it???

RemyLC said...

hehe, tersenyum sampai ke blkg telinga remy...

Pojiepooh Abdullah said...

layan jugak kamu yer adie!