Hi frens, long time did not update my blog coz i have alot test and assignment need to submit before this mid term break, but i have one group assignment missing to submmit huhuhuhu(pemalasnye aku)..By right, i’m having my mid term break now, but this mid term break is different coz it just have one week only..Now i’m at my house.. its time to have some relaxation. But, its not a totally relaxing. Its because I had to do 3 assignments including Final project report and still got 3 more exam paper after this mid term break ( yaampunnnnn!)..But, i’m happy that i’m now at my home..{Home Sweet Home}, But the most happy thing is can eat those delicious food that my mum cook makan! makan! makan!.. hehe^^(haaaa..... tak jadi died lah aku jawabnye!) in the meanwhile...enjoy some joke from me ok!
ok this messenge for Dr.Alfaf Pakwe, abg Khairul,PoJiePooH and whos are complaint about the my latest sexy picture at this blog,gud news 4 u'll i was delete that pic,suka tak!....so pas ni kalau nak suruh delete semua pun boleh, senang2 i tutup terus blog ni......
good morning sunshine.. nic pics
kemain lg pic dia..
puisi utk Pojie eh..
hahaha adie..gmba singa tuh xtahan k..hahahkk
love ur pics, sunshine..!!
Welcome back Adi....ada facebook tak?
ok this messenge for Dr.Alfaf Pakwe, abg Khairul,PoJiePooH and whos are complaint about the my latest sexy picture at this blog,gud news 4 u'll i was delete that pic,suka tak!....so pas ni kalau nak suruh delete semua pun boleh, senang2 i tutup terus blog ni......
TO singasong> that my face book www.facebook.com/adikaismail
hahaha...lucu sekali picnya!
makes me laugh one's head off!
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